Hiring a vacuum excavator is ideal for excavation jobs of all sizes and our state-of-the-art excavators provide exceptionally high-power suction that can deal with most ground surfaces. But what’s more, there is a vast range of environmental benefits of vacuum excavation of which our customers may not be aware.

What are the environmental benefits of Vacuum Excavation? 
  • Using excavator results in fewer vehicles on-site, ensuring the carbon footprint is much lower than if traditional digging methods were used.
  • Vacuum excavation creates far less dust than other methods. Our excavators suck all the spoil directly into the skip. This allows the site to be kept tidy for the workers, as well as the public if working in a residential area or city centre.
  • Through the use of a vacuum excavator, the size of the excavation size can be reduced by up to a third, compared to the traditional methods. This not only uses less energy but also creates a smaller footprint on the site.
  • As an efficient method, vacuum excavation targets precise areas and reduces spoil to a minimum. With less spoil produced, there is less mess, less tipping, and less to recycle, providing cost and environmental benefits to the project.
  • With excavation being a quicker and more thorough process than hand digging, Safe Excavation will ensure the project is completed within project deadlines.
About Safe Excavation 

Established in 2016, Safe Excavation assist an array of customers with their vacuum excavation requirements such as motorway works, civil engineering, and building and construction projects. It is our aim to continue to promote vacuum excavation throughout these industries and to provide a safer working environment for all.

Vacuum excavation, also known as suction excavation, is the most economical excavation approach available today. Hiring a vacuum excavator is ideal for jobs of all sizes.


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To enquire about hiring our vacuum excavation equipment,
please email info@safeexcavation.co.uk
or alternatively call 01634 505 505.

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